Installation ************ Instructions ============ .. _install: The recommended way ------------------- The recommended way to install VDAT is using `pip `_:: pip install --extra-index-url vdat It's possible to set the extra index URL permanently by adding the following lines to the ``$HOME/.pip/pip.conf`` file:: [global] extra-index-url = or exporting the environment variable:: export PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL= The list of released versions can be seen `on the MPE pypi server `_. A specific version can be installed using `specifiers `_, e.g. issuing ``pip install vdat==0.4``. ``pip`` will take care of installing all the :ref:`VDAT dependances `, except for the ``Qt`` bindings. Instructions about the ``Qt`` binding and how to install them can be found in :ref:`qt_bind`. Also, if you want to run commands in VDAT you will also need to install :ref:`Cure `. If the ``pyds9`` package, VDAT will be able to send fits files to DS9. See :ref:`pyds9` for instructions on how to install the package We suggest you install VDAT into a `virtualenv `_, in an `anaconda `_/`conda `_ or in similar environments. Of course it is also possible to install VDAT without any of the above with:: pip install --user --extra-index-url vdat This way the VDAT executables are installed in ``$HOME/.local/bin``, so make sure to add this to the environment variable ``PATH`` to be able to easily use them on the command line. The use of ``sudo`` when installing with pip is `discouraged `_ and potentially harmful. .. _svninst: From the online svn repository ------------------------------ These steps are to be followed if you want to install the latest version. First get a local copy of ``VDAT``, you can checkout the repository with:: svn checkout svn:// vdat Similarly you can check out any branch. Now you can install with:: pip install /path/to/vdat or:: cd /path/to/vdat pip install . It's also possible to install vdat directly from the svn repository without checking it out:: pip install svn+svn:// If necessary replace ``trunk`` with the desired tag or branch to checkout and install. .. _Dependances: Dependances =========== Mandatory dependences --------------------- :: pyhetdex>=0.12 astropy colorama numpy six peewee ginga pyyaml qimage2ndarray>=1.5.1 qtpy >= 1.1 .. _qt_bind: ``Qt`` bindings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Starting with version 0.9.0, VDAT makes use of the `qtpy `_ abstraction layer to communicate with the `Qt `_ instead of using directly some of the available python bindings. This allows the user to decide which version of ``Qt`` to use and which binding you use. ``qtpy`` automatically detects which ``Qt`` binding to use and defaults to ``PyQt5`` if multiple are present. It is possible to select a specific binding using the ``QT_API`` environment variable; see `here `_ for more details. Available bindings and current status: * `PyQt4 `_, ``Qt4`` bindings: fully supported. Unfortunately ``PyQt4`` cannot be installed using pip; also `SIP library `_ one of his dependences, cannot be installed with pip for python < 3.5. To our knowledge it is possible to obtain ``PyQt4`` in one of the following ways: * If you feel brave you can try to install them by hand following e.g. `these instructions `_ * use a package manager; most, if not all, Linux distributions, as well as Mac packet managers like ``homebrew`` and ``macports``, provide ``PyQt4`` * use tools like the `anaconda `_ distribution or the `conda `_ package manager * `PyQt5 `_, ``Qt5`` bindings: fully supported. ``PyQt5`` provides wheels for 32- and 64-bit Windows, 64-bit macOS and 64-bit Linux under python v3.5 or later. Thus it is possible to install ``Qt5`` bindings using:: pip install pyqt5 ``PyQt5`` is also available in ``anaconda``/``conda`` * `PySide `_, ``Qt4`` bindings: not supported. We were not able to run unit test for ``PySide`` because of problems with the underlying C/C++ library (see :issue:`2607`). Attempts to run VDAT directly with ``PySide`` cause errors (:issue:`2598` and :issue:`2606`). ``PySide`` can be installed using ``pip`` (see :ref:`pyside_inst` if there are problems). * `PySide2 `_, ``Qt5`` bindings: not supported. It is not yet supported by some dependences (:issue:`2597`). ``PySide2`` can be installed using pip:: pip install --index-url= pyside2 --trusted-host .. _optdep: Optional dependences -------------------- .. _pyds9: ``pyds9`` ^^^^^^^^^ ``pyds9`` allows to communicate between python and DS9 and is use to send fits and region files from VDAT to DS9. If the package is not installed, VDAT works. You can install ``pyds9`` together with the rest of VDAT with:: pip install vdat[ds9] or alone with:: pip install pyds9 .. _cure: ``ltl`` and ``cure`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``cure`` is a C++ code that provides utilities that are executed in subprocesses by most of the VDAT commands and depends on ``ltl``. However VDAT doesn't depend on ``cure``. Detailed information on how to install ``ltl`` and ``cure`` can be found `here `_. Here we report the basic steps for completeness. Check out and compile ``ltl``:: cd /path/to/project svn checkout svn:// ltl cd ltl ./bootstrap ./configure make cd .. Check out and compile ``cure``:: svn checkout svn:// cure cd cure make install This will install the binaries into ``bin`` directory. If you don't have OpenGL libraries installed, run:: make install HAVE_OPENGL=no as last step. You can use ``make -j N`` to speed up the build process using N cores. After it is installed, you might want to:: export CUREBIN=/path/to/project/cure/bin Python dependences ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * testing:: pytest>=3.3 pytest-qt>=2.0 pytest-cov pytest-xdist coverage tox # for automatizing the tests * documentation:: sphinx numpydoc alabaster pyhetdex * automatic documentation build:: sphinx-autobuild => 0.5.2 .. _inst_devel: Development =========== If you develop ``pyhetdex`` and/or ``vdat`` we suggest you checkout both svn repositories and install them in `"editable" mode `_ . We also recommend installing all of the optional dependances:: cd /path/to/vdat pip install -e . It is possible to also install the ``pyhetdex`` software in editable mode adding ``-e`` in the ``requirements.txt`` file before the url or path, e.g.:: ~> cat requirements.txt -e /path/to/pyhetdex and adding the options ``-r requirements.txt`` in the ``pip`` call. See :doc:`contributions` for more information. .. _notes: Notes and problems ================== * It is possible to change the version to install from svn by selecting a specific commit:: pip install svn+svn:// or a different branch/tag:: pip install svn+svn:// * If the installation gets interrupted with an error like:: ImportError: No module named 'numpy' run ``pip install numpy`` and then retry ``vdat`` installation