vdat.utilities – Generic utilities


vdat.utilities.ISOTIME_FMT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'

Date time formatting in the json

vdat.utilities.SHOT_FILE = 'shot_name.txt'

The file contains basic information about the type of files and the original directory and is used to rebuild the database on subsequent runs of vdat

vdat.utilities.EXPS_FILE = 'exposure_names.txt'

Maps the base name of each virus fits file (basically the time stamp), with the exposure number

class vdat.utilities.DatetimeEncoder(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Encodes datetime.date, datetime.time or datetime.datetime as dictionary:

{“__datetime__”: True, “date”: formatted datetime,
“type”: datetime type, “fmt”: format}

with datetime type is one of: “datetime”, “date”, “time”

*args, **kwargs : same as json.JSONEncoder
dt_formatter : string

formatter used to encode the datetime; defaults to ISOTIME_FMT

d_formatter : string

formatter used to encode the date; defaults to the part before “T” in ISOTIME_FMT

t_formatter : string

formatter used to encode the time; defaults to the part after “T” in ISOTIME_FMT


Decode object obj. If it’s not a date/time/datetime instance delegate to the parent class default

obj : object to be serialised
serialised object
_datetime_dic(date, type_, fmt)[source]

Create the dictionary to feed to the encoder


If the input dictionary has a __datetime__ key set to true, uses the keys “date”, “type” and “fmt” to decode the datetime encoded by DatetimeEncoder

dct : dictionaries

object to decode

decoded object

Serialise obj into a json using DatetimeEncoder and %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f formatting for the date

obj : object to serialise

serialised json


Deserialize the string s into a python object, undoing the datetime encoding done by DatetimeEncoder

s : string to deserialize
python object
vdat.utilities.read_json_file(fname, decode=True)[source]

Read the content of the file and, if decode is True decode each line as a json entry

fname : string

name of the file to read

decode : bool, optional

decode each line in the file as a json

list of string or of objects

lines of the file

vdat.utilities.write_to_json_file(fname, append=True, **kwargs)[source]

Serialize the keyword arguments and write them as a single line to fname.

fname : string

name of the file where to write

append : bool, optional

if true append to the file, if false write to it

kwargs : dictionary

line to write


Wrap read_json_file() to pass only the directory name


Wrap write_to_json_file() to pass only the directory name

vdat.utilities.read_shot_file(dir_, decode=True)

Read the content of the shot file ‘shot_name.txt’ in dir_.

dir_ : string

name of the directory where the file is located

decode : bool, optional

decode each line in the file as a json

list of string or of objects

lines of the file

vdat.utilities.read_exps_file(dir_, decode=True)

Read the content of the shot file ‘exposure_names.txt’ in dir_.

dir_ : string

name of the directory where the file is located

decode : bool, optional

decode each line in the file as a json

list of string or of objects

lines of the file

vdat.utilities.write_to_shot_file(dir_, append=True, **kwargs)

Serialize the keyword arguments as a single line to the shot_name.txt file in directory dir_.

dir_ : string

name of the directory where the file is located

append : bool, optional

if true append to the file, if false write to it

kwargs : dictionary

line to write

vdat.utilities.write_to_exps_file(dir_, append=True, **kwargs)

Serialize the keyword arguments as a single line to the exposure_names.txt file in directory dir_.

dir_ : string

name of the directory where the file is located

append : bool, optional

if true append to the file, if false write to it

kwargs : dictionary

line to write

vdat.utilities.merge_dicts(dicts, exclude=[])[source]

Merge the dictionaries into one

Unique entries are copied verbatim. For repeated entries: * if string: join them with “, ” * if date or datetime: average them * if bool: all is used: so is True only if all the entries are True

dicts : list of dictionaries

dictionaries to merge

exclude : list of strings

exclude entries from out_dict.

out_dict : dictionary

merged dictionaries


if it doesn’t know what to do how to merge the entry

vdat.utilities.collect_metadata(redux_dir, skip_empty=False, repair_redux=False, merge_shot=False, yield_dir=False)[source]

Recursively scan the redux_dir directory looking for shot_name.txt and exposure_names.txt files and yield their content.

redux_dir : string

name of the directory to scan

skip_empty : bool, optional

if any of the two files is empty or does not exist, skip the directory

repair_redux : bool, optional

if the redux_dir entry in the shot_name.txt files is different from the input one, update it

merge_shot : bool, optional

if the file shot_name.txt contains multiple lines, merge them into one

yield_dir : bool, optional

if True, yields also the name of the directory containing the files

shot_file, exps_file : list of dict

content of the shot_name.txt and the exposure_names.txt files

vdat.utilities.grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None)[source]

Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks.

From https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes

iterable :

iterable to split in chunks

n : int

size of the chunks

fillvalue : anything, optional

if the size the interable isn’t a multiple of n, fill the last chunk with fillvalue


chunk of size n of the input iterable


>>> list(grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x'))
[('A', 'B', 'C'), ('D', 'E', 'F'), ('G', None, None)]
exception vdat.utilities.VDATError[source]

Generic vdat error

exception vdat.utilities.VDATDirError[source]

Error raised when trying to create directories

exception vdat.utilities.VDATSymlinkError[source]

Generic error raised when performing the symlinking

exception vdat.utilities.VDATFitsParseError[source]

Exception raised when the parsing of the fits file name or headers to extract information during the symlinking fails

exception vdat.utilities.VDATFitsTypeError[source]

Error raised when the type of the fits files is wrong or unknown

exception vdat.utilities.VDATDateError[source]

Error raised when failing to parse dates

exception vdat.utilities.VDATUnknownDictEntry[source]

Error raised when the shot file is malformed or contains unexpected entries

exception vdat.utilities.VDATDatabaseError[source]

Database related errors

exception vdat.utilities.VDATDatabaseUniquenessError[source]

The entry in the database is not unique