vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer – The IFU viewer windows

exception vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.WindowViewerError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base exception for the viewer classes

exception vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.FitsViewerTitleTooltipError[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.WindowViewerError, TypeError

Exception raised when the titles and/or tooltips for the fits viewer are malformed

exception vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.DistViewerFileNumberError[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.FitsViewerTitleTooltipError

Exception raised when the number of files, the titles and/or tooltips for the dist viewer are malformed

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.DS9Menu(title='ds9', new_ds9_name=None, new_ds9_menu=True, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu

Menu item with the ds9 actions.

Custom signals
Name Signature Description
sig_ds9 pyds9.DS9 emitted, with the ds9 instance to use, when clicking on a ds9 menu option
Custom slot
Name Signature Description
populate_ds9_menu()   dynamically create the ds9 menu
pyds9_error_popup()   launch an pop up window with the explanation of the pysd9 import failure
launch_ds9() PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction, optional Launch DS9. If no action is passed, create a new window, otherwise add a new frame into an existing window; then emit sig_ds9
Connections between custom signals and/or slots.
Signal Slot
aboutToShow populate_ds9_menu()
‘There was a problem loading pyds9.’ menu entry pyds9_error_popup()
Open in DS9 menu entries launch_ds9()
title : string, optional

name of the menu

new_ds9_name : list of strings, optional

list of string that are concatenated to create a name for a new DS9 window. If nothing is provided, a name will be created

new_ds9_menu : bool, optional

add a menu to create a new DS9 window

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model


Fill the DS9 menu of the IFU viewer. If ds9 instances are running, list them underneath the ‘Send selected to’ tab. Connect these so that on click the selected files are sent to that ds9 instance.


Create an error popup with the pyds9 message. This method is also a PyQt slot.


Create a popup reporting the error.

error : list

error[0]: short error message, set as informative text; error[1]: full traceback, set as detailed text


Send files to DS9. If action is specified send to the DS9 window associated to it. Otherwise, create a new DS9 window with an automatically generated name.

action : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction, optional

action clicked; if provided its text is used as the DS9 instance name


Get the name from the action or create a new name, if action is None.

action : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction, optional

action clicked; if provided its text is used as the DS9 instance name

name : string

name of the ds9 windows

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.FitsViewerTab(fname, tab_dict, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget

Widget that display a fits file using Ginga in the upper part and the file header on the lower part.

fname : string

name of the file to show

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model

fname : string

name of the file displayed in the tab

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.FitsViewerWindow(file_names, tab_dict, new_ds9_name=None, titles=None, tooltips=None, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMainWindow

Display the given files using a ginga based viewer. Show the header information and allow to open files in DS9.

Custom slot
Name Signature Description
send_to_ds9() pyds9.DS9 Push the file to the ds9 window passed as argument
Connections between custom signals and/or slots.
Signal Slot
DS9Menu.sig_ds9 send_to_ds9()
file_names : list

list of files to display

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

new_ds9_name : list of strings, optional

list of string that are concatenated to create a name for a new DS9 window. If nothing is provided, a name will be created

titles, tooltips : list of strings, optional

if given they are used as title page and tooltip, respectively, for each of the tabs shown. If None the file names are used. Otherwise they must be a list with the same length of file_names

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model

ds9_menu : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu

menu containing the ds9 buttons

tab_dict : dictionary

same as input


Tab currently shown


Tab currently shown


Create a menu bar with a ds9 button.


Open the ginga url into a browser.

Ths method is also a PyQt slot


Send files to DS9. If action is specified send to the DS9 window associated to it. Otherwise, create a new DS9 window with an automatically generated name.

ds9 : pyds9.DS9

ds9 instance to where the data are sent

make_main_widget(file_names, tab_dict, titles, tooltips)[source]

Create a tab widget and add FitsViewerTab classes as tabs.

file_names : list of strings

files to display

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

titles, tooltips : list of strings or None

if None, use the file names, otherwise check the length is the same of file_names

tab_widget : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTabWidget

widget to plug as main in the window

_make_title_tooltip(file_names, titles, tooltips)[source]

Prepare the titles and tooltips for the tabs

file_names : list of strings

files to display

titles, tooltips : list of strings or None

if None, use the file names, otherwise check the length is the same of file_names

file_names, titles, tooltips : list of strings

if titles and tooltips are None return lists with default values


when titles or tooltips is malformed

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.GingaWidget(fname, tab_dict, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget

Widget that display a fits file using Ginga.

fname : string

name of the file to show

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model


Setups up a Ginga fits viewer panel.

fn : string

the filename of the fits file to view

fitsview : ImageViewCanvasQt

When the tab becomes visible, this method is triggered by Qt.

If it is the first time it is shown, zoom the image to fit.

event : PyQt5.QtGui.QShowEvent

the tab is show

load_fits_image(fn, log)[source]

Load a FITS file as a Ginga AstroImage and return it

fn : String

the filename of the image to load

log :

a logger

image : AstroImage instance
class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.HeaderWidget(fname, tab_dict, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTextEdit

Widget that display a fits file headers.

fname : string

name of the file to show

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model

parse_fits_header(fn, tab_dict)[source]

Convert a FITS header to a string and return it.

The method uses directly the following keys of the tab_dict argument:

  • header_keys (optional): list of strings. Header keywords to show on top of the others in the fits viewer window.
fn : string

the filename of the fits file

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

ostr : string

The header information

_order_header_keys(istr, header_keys)[source]

Split the incoming string on new lines and move to the beginning all the lines starting with a keyword in header_keys.

istr : string

string with the full headers

header_keys : list of strings

header keywords to put at the beginning

ostr : string

string reorganized

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.FileEditorWindow(file_name, tab_dict, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMainWindow

Simple single file editor window.

This is loosely based on https://www.binpress.com/tutorial/building-a-text-editor-with-pyqt-part-one/143

Custom signals
Name Signature Description
sig_saved str emitted when a file is emitted
Custom slot
Name Signature Description
set_title() str set the window title with the given file name
mark_not_modified() str, optional mark the window as not modified, input parameters ignored
save_file() str, optional save the document
save_file_as()   save the document as a new file
Connections between custom signals and/or slots.
Signal Slot
vdat.gui.menus_actions.QuitAction.triggered close()
save_action.triggered save_file()
save_as_action.triggered save_file_as()
sig_saved set_title()
sig_saved mark_not_modified()
file_names : string

file to display

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model

file_name : string

name of the file to display

text_edit : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTextEdit

display the text

save_action : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction

action to save the document

save_as_action : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction

action to save the document under a new name


Create a QTextEdit edit and returns it


Create a number of actions than are plugged into the task and menu bars


Create and return the menu


Create and return the toolbar


Set the title of the window.

This method is also a PyQt slot.

file_name : string

name of the file


Mark the window as not modified. The parameter is ignored

This method is also a PyQt slot.


Get the text and save it to file. If fname is None, overwrite the input file.

This method is also a PyQt slot

fname : string, optional

name of the file to use


Ask for a new file name and save there the file. If no file name is given, nothing happens.

This method is also a PyQt slot

fname : string, optional

name of the file to use


If the file is modified, ask what to do before closing. If Cancel is pressed, the window is not closed.


from the documentation it seems that it’s preferable to reimplement closeEvent() and the close() method.

event : PyQt5.QtGui.QCloseEvent

event emitted when a close attempt is made

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.DistTab(dist_name, reg_name, fits_names, tab_dict, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget

Widget that display a distortion solution and the region

dist_name : string

name of the distortion file to show

reg_name : string

name of the region file attached to dist_name

fits_names : list of strings

name of the fits file that can be sent to DS9

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model

dist_name : string

same as input

reg_name : string

same as input

fits_names : list of strings

same as input


Create a read-only text area displaying the distortion file

text_display : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTextEdit

widget showing the dist file

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer.DistWindow(dist_files, reg_files, fits_files, tab_dict, new_ds9_name=None, titles=None, tooltips=None, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMainWindow

Show the distortion file and the region file and add button to send the distortion region to DS9.

Custom slot
Name Signature Description
send_dist_fits_to_ds9() pyds9.DS9 Push the fits files and the regions to the ds9 window passed as argument
send_dist_to_ds9() pyds9.DS9 Push the regions to the ds9 window passed as argument
Connections between custom signals and/or slots.
Signal Slot
DS9Menu.sig_ds9 (menu ‘Distortion and fits’) send_dist_fits_to_ds9()
DS9Menu.sig_ds9 (menu ‘Distortion only’) send_dist_to_ds9()
dist_files : list of strings

distortion files to display

reg_files : list of strings

region files to display, must have the same size of dist_files

fits_names : 2d list of strings

list of list of fits files, the first dimension must have the same size of dist_files

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

new_ds9_name : list of strings, optional

list of string that are concatenated to create a name for a new DS9 window. If nothing is provided, a name will be created

titles, tooltips : list of strings, optional

if given they are used as title page and tooltip, respectively, for each of the tabs shown. If None the file names are used. Otherwise they must be a list with the same length of dist_files

parent : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget or derivate

parent object of the tree view model

ds9_menu : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu

menu containing the ds9 buttons


Tab currently shown


Tab currently shown


Create a menu bar with a ds9 button.

make_main_widget(dist_files, reg_files, fits_files, tab_dict, titles, tooltips)[source]

Create a tab widget and add DistTab classes as tabs.

dist_files : list of strings

distortion files to display

reg_files : list of strings

region files to display, must have the same size of dist_files

fits_names : 2d list of strings

list of list of fits files, the first dimension must have the same size of dist_files

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

titles, tooltips : list of strings, optional

if given they are used as title page and tooltip, respectively, for each of the tabs shown. If None the file names are used. Otherwise they must be a list with the same length of dist_files

tab_widget : PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTabWidget

widget to plug as main in the window

_make_title_tooltip(file_names, titles, tooltips)[source]

Prepare the titles and tooltips for the tabs

file_names : list of strings

files to display

titles, tooltips : list of strings or None

if None, use the file names, otherwise check the length is the same of file_names

file_names, titles, tooltips : list of strings

if titles and tooltips are None return lists with default values


when titles or tooltips is malformed


Send the fits files to DS9 and overplot the region files.

This method is also a PyQt slot.

ds9 : pyds9.DS9

ds9 instance to where the data are sent


Send the region file to a DS9 window.

This method is also a PyQt slot.

ds9 : pyds9.DS9

ds9 instance to where the data are sent

send_region_to_ds9(ds9, regions_file, chunk_size=50)[source]

Send the regions from the region file to DS9.

This method assumes that each line is a region command. Because of this it cannot simply load the file into DS9, but have to send the regions in chunks of size chunk_size.

ds9 : pyds9.DS9

ds9 instance to where the data are sent

regions_file : string

name of the file containing the regions

chunk_size : int, optional

number of region elements to send in one go to DS9

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_viewer