vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget – The widget representing one IFU

Widgets showing the IFU in the focal plane

vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.update_painter_font_size(painter, rect, string)[source]

If the string is too large, reduce the font. The code is taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2202717/for-qt-4-6-x-how-to-auto-size-text-to-fit-in-a-specified-width

painter : PyQt5.QtGui.QPainter

painter object

rect : PyQt5.QtCore.QRectF

rectangle in which the string is embedded

string : string

string to paint

painter : PyQt5.QtGui.QPainter

updated painter

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.BaseItem(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

An editable version of collections.namedtuple. The name and number of attributes is fixed and the values are set to None by default.

Derived classes must only define __slots__ which should only contain names of any additional slots. For more information see the documenatation

n_col, n_row : int

index of the column and of the row of the item

col_name, row_name : string

name associated to the column and row

format_dict : dict

dictionary with the fields and values that can be replaced in file names

image : PyQt5.QtGui.QImage or None

the thumbnail to display; set it to None if there is nothing to display

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.FitsItem(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.BaseItem

Items used in the widgets showing fits file

fname : str

full file name of the file to show

data : nd.array

array representing the image

zmin, zmax : float

minimum and maximum value of data after applying zscaling

ctime : float

time of creation of the thumbnail stored in image

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.DistItem(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.BaseItem

Items used when showing the distortion. fits_names is initialized to an empty list.

fname : str

full file name of the distortion file

reg_fname : str

full name of the region file

fits_names : list strings

name of the fits files to load into DS9 to use as base to display the regions

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.BaseIFUWidget(ifuslot, x, y, specid, specslot, ifuid, ifurot, platescl, parent=None)[source]

Bases: pyhetdex.het.fplane.IFU, PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel

Base class representing one IFU in the focal plane.

This implement the basic functionalities that other IFU widgets have and all the hooks needed to make this work together with BaseFplanePanel.

Upon initialization it:

  • creates tooltip and whatsThis
  • sets the default style
  • customizes single and double click behaviour
Custom signals
Name Signature Description
sig_ifuToggled str, bool emitted when a user selects/deselects the current IFU; the parameters are the SLOTID of the IFU and whether the IFU has been selected
Custom slot
Name Signature Description
ifuSelected() str, bool selects (second argument True)/deselects (second argument False) the IFU, if its SLOTID is the one given in the first argument.
ifuslot : string

id of the slot in the focal plane

x, y : string or float

x and y position of the ifuslot in the focal plane

specid, specslot: int

id of the spectrograph where the ifu is plugged into and of the slot of the spectrograph

ifuid : string

id of the ifu

platescl : float

focal plane plate scale at the position in the IHMP

parent : QWidget or derived instance, optional

the parent of the current widget


Return the smaller between width and height of the widget


Whether the IFU is selected or not.

empty_img : PyQt5.QtGui.QImage

empty image, black with a white cross

current_img : PyQt5.QtGui.QImage

image to show in the gui. The desired image should be assigned to this variable in prepare_image() and shown in show_image().

default style attibutes

see _default_aspect()


Set the default aspect of the Widget.

border_style_selected, border_style_unselected : int
defaultsize : int

default to 42


Create and set the default tooltip and whatsThis message


Create an empty image, a white cross on black, and save it into the empty attribute.


Return the smaller between width and height of the widget


Make sure that a double click is not interpreted as a two single clicks. Beside this doesn’t do anything else.

Qt don’t deal with single and double click, so we do it here. If you overrides either of mouseReleaseEvent() or mouseDoubleClickEvent(), make sure to execute the parent class implementation as first thing to avoid unexpected results.

event : PyQt5.QtGui.QMouseEvent

On a user clicking on the button, swap the logical value of the selected attribute and change the look of the button to reflect this.

Qt don’t deal with single and double click, so we do it here. If you overrides either of mouseReleaseEvent() or mouseDoubleClickEvent(), make sure to execute the parent class implementation as first thing to avoid unexpected results.

event : PyQt5.QtGui.QMouseEvent

Selected or deselect the IFU.

This method is also a PyQt slot.


Whether the IFU is selected or not.


Prepare the image to show in the gui saving it into the current_img. The base implementation saves the empty image empty_img into current_img.

Subclasses can override this method and should call it to make sure that sensible defaults are set


Create pixmap using the current_img, save it under pixmap_img and set it. Then update the widget to show it.


Cleanup method. Create the empty image and paint it.

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUSplitWidget(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.BaseIFUWidget

Base IFU widget for all the cases in which the image displayed is composed of multiple elements.

This class implements boilerplate code to setup a list of items to show, with their position, and to display them.


same as BaseIFUWidget


same as BaseIFUWidget

thumb_items : list

list of th_item, initialized to an empty list by setup()

target_dir : string

the selected directory

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

n_rows, n_cols : int

number of rows and columns to show in the IFU


Class representing one of the items to display in the IFU.


Rectangle used to add the thumbnails to the IFU.


Class representing one of the items to display in the IFU.


thumbnail item

setup(target_dir, tab_dict, format_dict)[source]

Set target_dir, tab_dict, n_cols and n_rows and fill the thumb_items list.

The method uses directly the following keys of the tab_dict argument:

  • cols, rows (optional): list of objects, typically strings. The thumbnail gets divided into len(cols)*len(rows) quadrants and each one shows one file. If not given they default to a list with one empty string. n_cols and n_rows attributes are set to the number of elements in the two variables.

Each element of the thumb_items list is an instance of th_item with:

  • n_row and n_col set to the position of the item;

  • row_name and col_name set to the names of the row and column (from the configuration as described above) associated to the element;

  • image is the image of the item to show in the quadrant and is initialized to None;

  • format_dict is a dictionary containing the following entries:

    • all the elements in the input parameter format_dict
    • ifuslot, ifuid, specid: ID of the slot, of the IFU bundle and of the spectrograph it is connected to.
    • col, row: replaced with each of the elements in the cols and rows configuration options.
target_dir : string

directory selected by the user

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

format_dict : dictionary

dictionary with extra fields and values that can be used to e.g. format file names


Rectangle used to add the thumbnails to the IFU. It uses the values of n_cols and n_rows set in setup() to divide the widget in equal areas.

upper_left_qpoint(i, j)[source]

Return the upper left point to use to add thumbnails to the IFU widget given n_cols columns and n_rows rows.

i, j : int

column/row index of the image to add


position of the upper left corner of the rectangle


Create the thumbnail to be displayed in the IFU. If no image can be created, set item.image to None. Otherwise create a PyQt5.QtGui.QImage and assign it.

This implementation returns the input item unmodified.

item : BaseItem or child

item representing one file to display

item : BaseItem or child

updated item with the image


Create the images to show in the GUI.

Invoke the parent class method, to create empty images, then loop through the elements of thumb_items, for each calls load_thumbnail(). Then filter the items for which the th_item.image is None. If nothing remains, do nothing, otherwise add the images in the IFU and replace the empty image. The size of the displayed image is rect_thumbnail and the position is given by upper_left_qpoint(). If some image is missing the corresponding quadrant it is left black.

Derived classes probably don’t need to override this method, but the ones called from here, notably load_thumbnail().


Remove the thumbnail from the gui and clear the thumb_items list

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUFitsWidget(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUSplitWidget

A custom class designed to contain one or more fits files for the IFU.


same as IFUSplitWidget


same as IFUSplitWidget


Returns the minimum zmin for the fits files shown in the widget,


Returns the maximum zmax for the fits files shown in the widget,

zmin_global, zmax_global : float

global zmin and zmax. If they are both not None, they are used instead of the individual zscale values. On cleanup they are reset to None


Return the name of the files to pass to the fits viewer window.


Return the tab titles for the files passes to the fits viewer window.


Return the tab tool tips for the files passes to the fits viewer window.


Item to display in the IFU.


thumbnail item

setup(target_dir, tab_dict, format_dict)[source]

Informations needed to create the images to show.

After executing the corresponding method of the base class, fills the th_item.fname attributes using th_item.format_dict. It also ensures that the thumbnail directory gets created (with ensure_thumb_dir())

Besides what the parent method needs, this method uses directly the following keys of the tab_dict argument:

  • file_name (mandatory): name of the file(s) to show. It is possible to format the file name using the python formatting syntax.
target_dir : string

directory selected by the user

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

format_dict : string

dictionary with the fields and values that can be replaced in file names


If necessary creates the thumbnail directory THUMB_DIR in target_dir

target_dir : string

directory selected by the user


Create, if necessary, and load the thumbnail. To avoid reloading it multiple times, store the data into item.data and its min/max into item.zmin and item.zmax.


  • get_thumb(): if possible creates the thumbnail and returns its name; if not possible, return None and set the above elements of item are set to None;
  • if the file name is returned and the file is newer than the stored version, reloads the thumbnail and recompute zmin and zmax;
  • if there is a thumbnail, create a PyQt5.QtGui.QImage with the data, using either the image or the global zmin/zmax, and store it into item.image

Derived classes probably don’t need to override this method, but the ones called from here, notably get_thumb() and file_ctime().

item : th_item

item representing one file to display

item : th_item

updated item with the data, image, zmin and zmax attributes filled


Create the thumbnail from the file name.

It gets the name of the thumbnail file using thumb_name() and the creation times of the input file and the thumbnail using file_ctime(). If fname does not exist, it makes sure that there is also no thumbnail file, to make sure that files are not shown after being removed. If fname exists and/or is newer than the thumbnail (re)create it using create_thumb()

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created

thumb_name : string

name of the thumbnail file, or None if no thumbnail is created

create_thumb(fname, thumb_name)[source]

Create the thumbnail from fname.

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created

thumb_name : string

name of the file where to save the thumbnail


Create the name to use for the thumbnail, prepending THUMB_DIR/THUMB_PREFIX to the file name

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created


name of the thumbnail file


Get the ctime from the file.

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created


time of creation of a file or None if the file does not exist


Remove the thumbnail from the gui and clear the thumb_items list


Returns the minimum zmin for the fits files shown in the widget, or None if no file is shown


Returns the maximum zmax for the fits files shown in the widget, or None if no file is shown


On double click open a popup window of type ifu_viewer.FitsViewerWindow with details on the selected IFU.

The list of files passed to the window is taken from files_for_window. If the list is empty no window will be shown. The new window tab titles and tooltips are taken from titles_for_window and tooltips_for_window. Derived classes can overrides these three properties to give the appropriate file and tabs names and tooltips.

event : PyQt5.QtGui.QMouseEvent

Return the name of the files to pass to the fits viewer window. The file names are created in setup(), stored in thumb_items and returned only if they exist.

flist : list of string

file names to plug display in the fits viewer window


Return the tab titles for the files passes to the fits viewer window.

It must return either None or a list of strings with the same length of files_for_window.


Return the tab tool tips for the files passes to the fits viewer window.

It should return either None or a list of strings with the same length of files_for_window.

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUQuickReconWidget(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUFitsWidget

Create IFU reconstructed images


same as IFUFitsWidget


same as IFUFitsWidget

enabled : bool

whether the reconstruction is disabled or not, i.e. if the reconstructed object returned by vdat.gui.utils.get_reconstructed() returns None or not


List of strings used as basenames.


List of strings used as basenames. If the property is present, setup will loop through cols, rows and basenames and replace the {basename} placeholder in the file names by each of the elements in this property, shadowing the placeholder in setup()’s format_dict, if present. If the property is not set, the loop over the basenames is not done in setup().

setup(target_dir, tab_dict, format_dict)[source]

Informations needed to create the reconstructed image to show.

The information needed to build the ifu reconstructed image are stored into the thumb_items. The fname attribute from IFUFitsWidget.th_item is used to store a list of file names needed for the reconstruction.

The method uses the keys in tab_dict and provide the formatting entries as described in IFUFitsWidget.setup(). It overrides the basename formatting entry as described in IFUQuickReconWidget.basenames. n_cols and n_rows attributes are set to one.

It also ensures that the thumbnail directory is created.

all :

as in IFUFitsWidget.setup()


Create the reconstructed image from the file names.

This method is almost identical to IFUFitsWidget.get_thumb() except that it doesn’t attempt to create thumbnails if the quick reconstruction object is not present. However permits to show it if available.


Replicating code is in general a bad idea, but I haven’t found yet a better solutions. This method implementation needs some re-thinking.

fname : list of string

names of the file for which the reconstructed image is to be created

thumb_name : string

name of the thumbnail file, or None if no thumbnail is created

create_thumb(fnames, thumb_name)[source]

Create the reconstructed image from the names and save it

fnames : list of string

names of the file for which the reconstructed image is to be created

thumb_name : string

name of the file where to save the thumbnail


Alias of reconstructed_name()


Creates the name to use to store the reconstructed image, as a md5 hash of the file_names. This way we can get a unique name for every combination of files.

file_names : list of strings

name of the files to use to create the thumbnail


name of the reconstructed file


Get the ctime from the file. If fname is a list, get the newest time.

fname : string or list of strings

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created


newest time of creation (ctime) of a file or None if the file does not exist


Return the name of the reconstructed file that should go into the fits viewer window.

If the file does not exist, try to create it. If it fails, return an empty list.

flist : list of string

file name to plug display in the fits viewer window


The title of the reconstructed tab in the fits window is just “Reconstructed”


The tooltip show all the files making up the reconstructed image


Cleanup the widget as in IFUFitsWidget(), plus delete the basenames

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUCubeWidget(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUFitsWidget

Display thumbnails from data cubes instead of from 2D fits files.

This widget is very similar to the IFUFitsWidget

Unless documented below, the class inherits signals, slots and connection from IFUFitsWidget.

all :

see IFUFitsWidget

all :

see IFUFitsWidget

setup(target_dir, tab_dict, format_dict)[source]

Informations needed to create the images to show.

The widget uses the same tab_dict keys as IFUFitsWidget and the same formatting entries. It also accept the following key of the tab_dict argument:

  • z_indx (optional): before creating the thumbnail for the data cubes, the image is compressed along the z-dimension using the median; if z_indx is not given, it uses the whole range, otherwise it uses only the part of the cube in the range [z_indx[0], z_indx[1])
all :

same as IFUFitsWidget.setup()

create_thumb(fname, thumb_name)[source]

Create the thumbnail from fname.

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created

thumb_name : string

name of the file where to save the thumbnail


Create the name to use for the thumbnail, prepending THUMB_DIR/THUMB_PREFIX to the file name. If z_indx is given, add it to the thumbnail name

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created


name of the thumbnail file

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUMultiExtWidget(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUFitsWidget

Display thumbnails from one of the extensions of a multi-extension fits file

This widget is very similar to the IFUFitsWidget

Unless documented below, the class inherits signals, slots and connection from IFUFitsWidget.

all :

see IFUFitsWidget

all :

see IFUFitsWidget

setup(target_dir, tab_dict, format_dict)[source]

Informations needed to create the images to show.

The widget uses the same tab_dict keys as IFUFitsWidget and the same formatting entries. It also accept the following key of the tab_dict argument:

  • ext (int or string): index or number of the extension to display in IFU
all :

same as IFUFitsWidget.setup()

create_thumb(fname, thumb_name)[source]

Create the thumbnail from fname.

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created

thumb_name : string

name of the file where to save the thumbnail


Create the name to use for the thumbnail, prepending THUMB_DIR/THUMB_PREFIX to the file name. If z_indx is given, add it to the thumbnail name

fname : string

name of the file for which the thumbnail is to be created


name of the thumbnail file

class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.TextFileWidget(ifuslot, x, y, specid, specslot, ifuid, ifurot, platescl, parent=None)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.BaseIFUWidget

Widget that paints the number of lines in the widget. On double click open a window to show the file content.


same as BaseIFUWidget


Rectangle with the size of the thumbnails of the IFU. Use default values

setup(target_dir, tab_dict, format_dict)[source]

Informations needed to create the images to show.

The method uses directly the following keys of the tab_dict argument:

  • file_name (mandatory): name of the file(s) to show. It is possible to format the file name using the python formatting syntax.

The following formatting entries are explicitly used in this method:

  • ifuslot, ifuid, specid: ID of the slot, of the IFU bundle and of the spectrograph it is connected to.
target_dir : string

directory selected by the user

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

format_dict : string

dictionary with the fields and values that can be replaced in file names


Create the image to show in the GUI.

If the text file, whose name is created in setup(), exists, paint the number of lines of the file.


On double click, if the text file exists, open a window of type ifu_viewer.FileEditorWindow.

event : PyQt5.QtGui.QMouseEvent
class vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.DistWidget(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget.IFUSplitWidget

Widget showing the distortion file and the corresponding region file created with $CUREBIN/distview


same as IFUSplitWidget


same as IFUSplitWidget


Item to display in the IFU.


thumbnail item

setup(target_dir, tab_dict, format_dict)[source]

Informations needed to create the images to show.

After executing the corresponding method of the base class, fills the th_item.fname, th_item.reg_fname' and :attr:`th_item.fits_names attributes using th_item.format_dict.

Besides what the parent method needs, this method uses directly the following keys of the tab_dict argument:

  • file_name (mandatory): name of the file(s) to show. It is possible to format the file name using the python formatting syntax.
  • fits_names (mandatory): list of names of the fits files to use then displaying the distortion in DS9. If the list is empty, it is not possible to display the data on DS9. Use the same formatting as file_name ``
target_dir : string

directory selected by the user

tab_dict : dictionary

dictionary with the specifications to use to build the tabs

format_dict : string

dictionary with the fields and values that can be replaced in file names


Create, if necessary, the region file and create the thumbnail to display.


  • get_region(): if possible creates the region file and returns whether it exists or not;
  • if the distortion and/or the region file exists, create an image with the number or lines in either file and save it into item.image
item : th_item

item representing one file to display

item : th_item

updated item with the image attribute filled


Create the region file using $CUREBIN/distview.


  • if the distortion exists, but not the region file, create the latter;
  • if the distortion exists and is newer than the region file, recreate the latter;
  • if the distortion file does not exist but the region file does not, remove the region file;
  • if none exists, do nothing.
item : th_item

item representing one file to display

dist_exists, reg_exists : bool

whether the distortion and the region file exist

_run_distview(fname, reg_fname)[source]

Run $CUREBIN/distview to create the region file

fname, reg_fname : string

name of the distortion and the region files

success : bool

whether the operation is successful


On double click, if the distortion files exist, open a window of type ifu_viewer.DistWindow.

event : PyQt5.QtGui.QMouseEvent

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of vdat.gui.tabs.ifu_widget